ACCA mini sports day
Saturday, March 31, 2007
we won the 3rd place for everything that we have participated in wohoo~
this morning supposed tkj n adelee at around 7 to be trained by them. but then when i reach there its already 740+ coz need to fetch my sis to school for taekwondo at 730. SORRY TKJ ADELEE N SHAREE!!! me so paiseh. went there chat a while then register.
our 1st game was against sher huey's team (pei li, stella, sher huey and suan li) stella play till quite rough not her normal self we see in class. geng!! sher huey suan li also... i went in for the 1st half then sharee went in for the 2nd half.... both of us keep on changing throught the few games. haha. after 4 games we finished n we went to A&W to have our lunch. went back n tug of war begins.... we got 3rd place also lar.... today both games also got something.. not bad lar. haha
waiting for the social gathering to come then can take cert!! yay
today came back when i took my bath i noticed that actually i got sun burn d... wuwuwu. then my hand the bruise started to b visible... i hope it wont hurt a lot when i wash my hand
♥ Let it Rain.
11:51 PM
Sunday, March 25, 2007
hurray today is our CAT graduation!! so happy.. early in the morning went to fetch chingyong n adelee... they say want meet there at 7 ma.. but we arrived late also.. nvm lar coz when we reach there nobody n they din start anything until around 8. during the time we went ss-ing around lo. take lots n lots of pics!! after that was our rehearsal. nothing much lar.. ask us line up line up but no1 listen de... line up d then the line lost again coz bz taking pics. lol. oh ya.. b4 that me adelee yean n my sis went toilet to make up... this is my 1st time le. but i din put much so not so obvious. haha. after that they ask us go into the ballroom then ask us go out again to wear our robe. most of us din know that we have to bring safety pins n we were quite out of supply.. haha. luckily siu hong said need to bring if not i dun think i will also. after that the ceremony start. the acca graduates went up the stage n took their scrolls 1st ( which is a blank paper... za dao) then followed by us n the OBU students... i really hope tht the ceromony will end soon coz my stomach was growling inside n i havent even eaten my breakfast... wuwuwu. then we have the photography session. yean n adelee dum dai us.. they went 1st without us... oni me tkj ei leen jojo pc together. our place were so strategic that me n tkj happened to b in the middle!! haha. the lunch there was not to say very good... oni like 4 dishes n some desserts. we ate d then continue taking pics till most of them went back n we go back also lo. so so tired... i went back n sleeeeep till 7 oni wake up!!! wahahaha.
♥ Let it Rain.
10:21 PM
Monday, March 19, 2007
after class today at around 230 have to stay back in college coz got meeting at 530. i tot i was going to eat lunch alone in cafetaia.. but then when i went down to foyer... met sharee, vern yen, tat hoong n lionel, we talk talk for a while then went out to lunch in McD in ss15. this is i think my 2nd time eating lunch with that gang of ppl... it was quite fun. especially that lionel.. keep on korek stuff from ppl. haha. hmmm... i get to know something though from every1 of them there... towards the end dunno y we suddenly jump to 18sx topic.. lol. innocent me =p juz found out something today... not bad lar... hahaha. vern yen looks innocent but i think she knows a lot... juz pretend not to know oni. hahaha. sharee... sama sama lar.. but i think she is more 'innocent' than her wife. lolwent back college to attend the meeting... we have our post mortem for our amazing g race... most of them voice out their dissatisfaction without pointing fingers at anybody... i think this is really very political le... hmmm... but overall it was good lar. above all the hectic we have experienced we did get complimentSSSS from the management n our head. lalala~ after everything we had pizza... sponsored by terrence.... wooohooo. thn go home. oh ya. thx tatt hoong for offering to send me back but my meeting really ends very late..when a girl says dunno does she actually mean yes?? n when she says no does she really mean it??? actually it really depends on the situation... for me...... until now i still dunno.
♥ Let it Rain.
10:48 PM
Amazing G - Race
Saturday, March 17, 2007
really had fun today though its tiring n i came back at 530pm!!! from 7 till 530pm.... its totally different from when u have lectures from morning till evening... this is really fun fun fun!!!!!!!!!!!! reach there saw yongwe there d.. so paiseh ask him come sharp me came a bit late =p. then me, june n shaun have to rearrange the crew members n the shadows of each team coz some of them din turn out n some they can't run.. haiz. it was very very messy in the beginning especially when we were about to flag those participants off. the time was all out.. we were supposed to have 3 min intervals in between but bcoz of the task given some of them got stuck n the timing was out n we din have enuf crew members to help out in our station. but luckily some who r at the last few stations came to help... thanks!! if not me jiana n aruna will die..... =p oh ya.. my station was to give them their team's name to b unscrambled n a few questions to answer . including determining the time intervals between the teams... which we din manage to do it n was passed to some1 else to handle. lol it rain heavily when the game started not long after... n the chaos starts then.. we had to call all the team's shadow to ask their team to stop at their respective stations n find for shades n the patrol guy (jack shen n jermain) were to pick them up. it was really hectic that time n 1 of the shadow lost their team. we were gathered n 'lectured' by ben.. coz we din expect it to rain n din make preparations for that.. luckily we have the patrol team who were so so dedicated... they did their job well without complaining... i guess. haha. later me n yongwe went to the tattoo shop to meet up with the tattoo guys... we had a 'hard' time finding the shop... we were like deciding which stairs to take coz there were 2 n the sign board werent that clear. but the stairs i choose was the correct wan... yay!!!! maybe my instict was good after all... shud i follow them???? hmmm... i dunno i dunno.... after looking for the guy there we went breakfast. thank u yongwe for the breakfast!!! after breakfast receive a call frm jocelyn ask us to go back col pula... haiz haiz. come all the way here go back again... the worst part is when i go back they say got briefing when i sit down isabell was continuing.. can we do it.. all of us say can.. then briefing ended... za dao!!! there goes the briefing... thn we have to go back to our stations. this time we choose to walk back.. pass by sunway club then when in a while since we were so free now. haha. go walk around n found out something.. hahaha. my weight drop a lot le compared to last year... shud i b happy??? sum1 gain weight...n he is very happy with it. hahahaha... but for me he is still very skinny. lalala~ actually still ok lar.. can carry me n walk still say i'm light.. oh ya.. on the way my leg dunno y like wanna curl up like that so scary.. was it a cramp... i dunno. in the tattoo shop the participants were to spray the G on somewhere visible n to get their clue... hmmm the tattoo was nice but i never think of having 1 so forget it lar. haha. while waiting for the teams to arrive we played snooker.... was it pool or snooker??? dun care lar.. i dunno how to play juz take the stick n hit the ball... lol. i was very very cha at that game... the white ball which cannot b hit into the hole i hit it in... summore more times than the ball that i'm supposed to hit in. got to thank yongwe again for teaching me. lol. went back to the student center n had lunch... prize giving ceremony n a short meeting by terrence... he praised us.. WOW!!! OUR EX COUNCIL MEMBERS N THE EX PRESIDENT WERE ALSO PRAISING US. THEY SAID WE DID A GREAT JOB N PULLED THROUGH THOUGH IT WAS RAINING. i'm so happy so glad.. n he said eu jin was so impressed that we might have another G RACE THIS COMING JULY... ALL THOSE PPL WHO HAD CLASS TODAY N CANT JOIN PLZ JOIN ON THE NEXT 1... many of the participants said it was fun!!!!!!!!!! haha thank y0ngwe for helping out at the last minute i really appreciate it a lot!!! thx for listening to me crapping all the way =p. ahahaha
♥ Let it Rain.
10:00 PM
pics for induction day
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

♥ Let it Rain.
11:31 PM
today is the 2nd day of the induction week... terrence suddenly ask me to become the mc for today coz i'm the only 1 who wears the shirt... actually there were 2 but jocelyn has done her part ytd so no choice. me din prepare anything le.. summore the thing is like going to start in around 15 min... die die die!!! i sit in the booth n start writing out wat am i supposed to say... bla bla bla... at last the time has arrived..... doom!!! standing in front of everybody look like an idiot dunno from where.... bla bla bla... then at last finish what i was supposed to said hurray... phew!! at least 1 obstacle is over. oh ya... before that i was introduced to the dance n performance club president.. doris she is so friendly. after that was their club's performance... they got break dance n hip hop le... the guys were so yeng... i know 1 of them is korean coz he ask me something... i knew it by his slang. haha. all the dancers gave a spectacular performance... attracted a huge crowd!!! after that got another grp's performance but not so attractive compared to the dance... after that my job is done... free!!!! hmm... terrence n max commented on my mc-ing today... they say it was good its juz that i was too soft n the mic was too far apart from my mouth.. mayb i shud 'kiss' the mic the next time lol!!! it was a good experience though.....
♥ Let it Rain.
9:20 PM
happy week
Sunday, March 11, 2007
thursday joanna keep on asking me to teman her go pyramid... after long time 'nagging' i finally made my mind to go... the previous nite only found out that yean yean n adelee going there too. haha so decided to meet them there. when i reached there oni know y jojo wants me there... she wants to buy me a teddy bear so that i can hug =.=' haha. i really appreciate it a lot... n i love the teddy very much too!! haha. we (tkj yean adelee jojo n me) went shopping for a while.. n i bought a few pairs of socks.. hahaha... say want bankrupt summore buy socks... i'm weird. lol we summor went n do/buy miss rozi, shanta, kiran n voon sia's present. after tat went kfc for lunch. friday went for student council meeting... while waiting for the meeting to start i kena fool by jack shen n max... ish ish ish. they pakat together.. 1 miss call the room's phone then max picked up then say terence wanna find me.. i was like harlo~ harlo~ so many times... but the phone got no sound de... then they started luffing.. summore so many ppl inside the room wuwuwu. but luckily i'm not the only 1.. ekeke can see ppl kena also quite fun. haha saturday... a very very bz day.wake up breakfast... then got piano... after that help mummy cook. after lunch then fetch my sis to tuition n fetch pc from college... thn we got stuck coz got jam... that coz us to b late to reach chingyong's house... n late to go sher huey's house.. n adelee was waiting for us there d... so paiseh. adelee fetch us there... a very very big thank u from me. haha. our car there got me my sis adelee chingyong n tatt hoong. i was so cham sitting beside tatt hoong.. he bullied me all the way... wuwuwu. after past 1u we called yean yean n meet up in the petrol station... then she bring us to sher huey's house. whoa... her house really very big ler... so jealous. i want a house there also... waited for lionel they all to come they said wanna swim but so long oni come... haiz. ppl who dun swim also come reached liao. tsk tsk tsk... oh ya... adelee said wanna swim at first but ended up din swim... haiz. cannot see her in swim suit d. =p bad bad lionel bcoz of swimming ask yean yean to do his job.. teruk betul. haha... we waited for them to finish swimming n wash up n headed for miss rozi's house... we were the few last who reached her house... once we arrived we juz take our food n eat.. hahaha. after eating we went walk walk.. that chingyong suddenly bark like a dog n i tot it was a real wan... started to run a bit then only realised it is not... wuwu so paiseh. then we go to the playground took some pics n play with the swing... yay!!! so long nvm play liao. hahaha after that went back to the house got present presentation... speech by lionel... hahaha. then got games.. played by the lecturers n students... mr teo also join. he is so cute!!! haha... but dunno y this time the lecturers damn geng win the game. after the game we sit down n chat with the lecturers for a while n most of them have left... we sang bday song again for william too who arrived late. haha. after that go home.. tatt hoong drive this time.. luckily he wasnt sitting beside me... i was so tired d. sunday... this morning went kepong n eat bak kut teh... my daddy say he always eat with his friends there de,... very nice wor. not bad lar.. quite nice.. kepong there got so many food so nice... after that went mid valley mummy buy 2 pairs of shoes. sis also. i bought a black long pants... maybe will wear it during gradution.
♥ Let it Rain.
10:13 PM
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
lazy to write bout cny liao lar... post pics enuf . =p

♥ Let it Rain.
6:09 PM
leadership camp
Monday, March 5, 2007
yesterday juz came back frm my leadership camp.. so so tiring. this is the 1st time i slept as early as 850 pm.... hahaha. this morning wake up the whole body aching. thanks to the 5 hrs jungle trekking i had on sunday. this is what happen from friday till today
still suffering from food posoning... stomach still don't feel well. went to class as usual.. then decided to go back and take a bath. mummy supposed to come fetch me around 1240 but dunno wat took her so long.. haiz.. luckily got yongwe n jun yao to chat. later more n more ppl come n talk but all of them come n go.... went back took my bath ate my lunch took my bag n go college. i was nearly late but luckily yean yean help me save 1 space d. haha thank u!!
Mr. D let us go earlier today and as i wont b using the comp for 3 days i decided to go com lab n use the computer until i feel satisfied. =p around 5 i went to attend the leadership camp for student council. there i met a lot of friends... wah at 1st i thought its quite hard to make new friends there but i turn out the other way... the ppl there are so friendly once u come in they start to ask u this n that. good start!!! then we start our activity with chicken dance... hahaha. so damn funny. at first we got presentation by jessice... then got an activity call egg drop where u have to make a vessel to prevent the egg from breaking when we throw it down from a certain height. our grp din make it... our egg broke... sad sad. hmmm. after all the activities we went to sleep. guess where we were sleeping??? sunway 4th floor!!! in room 408. guys n girls occupy 2 rooms at 1st... but then all guys were like squezzing into 1 coz they say 1 of the rooms is haunted... dunno true or not. before we went in to sleep jack shen n shaun keep on trying to tell ghost stories.. but then i juz turn a deaf ear....tried to. hahaha.
start off with morning exercise then play games. during the game ppl my leg was stepped dunno how many times d... althought it's pain but i voluntarily let them step de...summore ask them to step hahaha. after that we went up to bukit tinggi. me n another 3 girls were put into a dorm.. but then the dorm like so empty. other dorm got 20 ppl only ours 4... scary wei... but then after that 2 more ppl join us so not so bad. after that we play with the games. got 1 game its call spider web n u have to pass throungh the holes made by strings without touching them to another end.... i was carried up horizontally by the team members to the other end... that was really really fun!!! then we got another game where you have to support each other from 1 end to another without the legs touching the ground.. so we only use ur upper body. i was the 1st person to go and it was a long long way n i use my arms to support n crawl... my legs were at 2 guys behind... n their legs were at another guys behind them.. i pity them a lot. they were worse than me. that game really make my arms pain the next day. at nite we had our grps presentation. our grp were suppose to come out with a dance frm the scene casino royale... this was the 1st time ever i dance on stage.. unprepared. me became james bond de girl... hahaha. so unbelievable. after that sleep.Sunday
morning wake up early around 630am.. no lights everywhere... no electricity. me elaine n peichin went to toilet n brush up using our torch lights only.... so so scary. after that we went jungle trekking.. at first we trek up using the water way... there were so many rocks n so steep... some place. we had to use the rope to support ourselves in order not to wash away by the current. oh ya.. got a girl.. sara nearly got washed away.. but luckily she hold on to the rope n 2 other guys pulled her up. phew!! we trekk all the way up my knee got hurt. reach the top there play with the water.. so cold!!! but so fun!!! splash splash splash like small kid. shirt wet also dun care liao. hahaha. trekking down was really challenging... there wasnt any path open for trekking the guide was like juz opening the path by cutting the branches n everything n there was 1 part where we need to absail down. we took around 5 hours for the trekking n its really tiring. after that go home lu~ reached home go out take dinner go back sleep. whoa.... so so tired. slept at 850pm.
manage to get 2 photos... will have more upload later

♥ Let it Rain.
3:16 PM