big cook out
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
my parents weren't around from sunday till tues coz go kuantan for hols.. so we (me, chin, honming, dave, josh n ong loong) have planned to cook together in my house n teman us for dinner also =). we have planned to do that coz josh n dave said they have some cooking lessons from their mum so this is the best time to try out their cooking.. guys cook le! haha.around 2 they came. the 1st thing honming n josh reach was go to the computer... both wanna check their university offer... =.=' josh going manchester U n ming was waiting for adelaide university's acceptance... n he got it!! me... still stay in sunway university college... hopefully can graduate fast fast go work n go aus n uk find them. we went giant after that to do some groceries shopping... met our teacher. i was surprise that guys sometimes can choose something longer than girls.. *shake head* after that went back n ask ming teach me the duet song.. hope i can remember so i can play with my sis. the guys went to the playground n i started preparing my fish. me n chin cook fish n chip, honming n ong loong prepare desert n appetizer, joshur cook sweet n sour pork n dave prepare his punjabi dish...'protae'?? i dunno how to spell.. when they came back we started cooking... 1st was josh sweet n sour pork.. i was playing with his meat haha. oh ya.. that time left the 2 of us preparing only.. others took their own sweet time fetch dave. haizzzz after fin frying the pork i fry my fish. hm ongloong n dave was preparing the drink.. which has 3 colours. took video while cooking n have so much fun there.. the kitchen was crowded like dunno wat.. haha. the dinner was super nice n we were so full after that! really satisfied. then came the result part n picture session. previous outing in kenny rogers

in old town kopitiam deciding where to have dinner
♥ Let it Rain.
11:43 AM
i was intend to wait till at nite when all my friends went back only start checking for my results. so in the morning i din even on my com.. was doing other things to occupy myself. then around 11++ or so choon onn sms me... wuwu from then onwards my heart keep on pounding.. as if its jumping out liao.. i couldnt stand anymore n start to login my email. mana tau takde.. haiz. refresh so many times also dun have... then wuili told my sis say hotmail wan havent arrive yet.. =.=' then after that i couldnt calm down myself till all my friends came. after that were bz-ing with the dinner preparation no time to check. we waited till after dinner then they were waiting patiently for us to announce our result before they agree to leave. so terpaksa check.. haiz. by that time hotmail still havent receive result hong hong n jojo ask me to go acca website to check.. i've forgotten my password have to go through all those trouble to retrieve back.. n at last.... i was preparing to fail my 2.2 n 2.4 but then it turn out that i got 2nd best for my law paper... surprisingly... n did ok for my 2.4. the most unexpected 1 was my tax... i was hoping to get at least 60+ for it but then it turn out to b the worst! ngam ngam pass only.. wah!!! i was really thankful n felt myself really lucky.. really got '伸保佑' ! have to go thean hou gong n dong chan si ' 还伸' liao... haha like wat ching yong said. i've ask some ppl to help me.. remind me something haha. i really hope i can make it for 1st class!! congrats those who have passed! to those who din make it dun look back! muz gambate for the remaining papers. have faith in urself n u will make it! effort counts but sometimes luck plays a big role too! oh ya.. wanna congrat my senior who helped me a bit.. graduate liao summor started working liao muz cheng ppl o! haha
♥ Let it Rain.
11:20 AM
lionel's bday party
Saturday, August 18, 2007
friday... couldnt wake up early to complete my obu.. dun care. juz print out wateva i have n put in the file.. juz when i was about to fin printing cy reached my house.. cepat cepat get ready n go col. i have totally forgotten bout the word count so started counting word by word in tkj's car.. wuwuwu. nobody wanna help me. they only know how to say estimate estimate... i duwan ma.. =( luckily i was in time to complete the counting when we reach his office. after that we went neway in 1u to sing k. I AM SO SO SORRY THAT I CHG MY MIND TO GO SING BUT NOT SHOP. I FEEL GUILTY LIAO... ok ok then seriously the food there wasnt that nice as red box. i prefer their salad rather than their main course... we din fin singing those songs that we always sing.. a little unsatisfied. then we went shopping n ss-ing a while then go lionel's house. HERE I WANNA SAY SORRY ANOTHER TIME.. I SERIOUSLY THOUGHT THAT WAS THE 1ST TURNING.. wuwu. i was bz reading the sms din see properly. we chatted while we eat . the fun part comes~!! water splashing time!! yippee~~~!!! haha. kena quite a lot of innocent throws which wasnt intended for me n suan li with her glister.. wuwu. then we have the cake cutting session but miss out the cake smashing.. haiz. then its time to go home. i drove back frm tkj's house since cy was lazy to drive. haha n left my bottle in his car. thank u for sending it back o... this morning. haha.
♥ Let it Rain.
5:50 PM
have been selling tickets for the duo celebration nite since mon till thurs. i think through this i get to know more of my sc friends... n 1 of them is jiana.. from her i think that the students in victoria U r very fun. they got their seniors who always bully the juniors.. n their course is not as boring as us. wed was progress test. thurs morn choon onn suddenly say duwan go seafield liao but want go fuo guang shan so we went. cy came my house do obu n din wanna follow. he drove out to kesas n stop at a petrol station n let me drive all the way to banting.. wohoo~! this is my 2nd time i drive in a highway... for me its 1 of my achievement ler.. dun luff. went there go bai bai then go to his house eat. thanks for belanja-ing me makan. haha. then went to fetch zen yao n go col. he still can remember me hahaha.. quite unexpected! On the duo celebration nite itself i really enjoyed myself a lot although we r suppose to b on duty. but i guess my position was the best. i was station at the entrance n in charged of the ticketing. when the performance start we (me, jiana, may eve, terrence, ben n max) were lufing all the way. its not that the performance was funny or anything but the chidish act by terrence n ben. both of them were acting clowns all they way hahaha... couldnt stand them. later jermaine n ian came in to join us. after the VIPs went back the hall turn into a dance floor... me n jiana kept the chairs n later was pulled into the crowd by Ee leen. i was then introduced to her friend as their acca senior.. hmmm dun like that name.. haha. after that jocelyn join us n i told her that i'm not good at dancing.. she immediately pulled me n jiana to the middle n find su jen who's pro in dancing... there we see her dance n its really hard to stay still without dancing in that crowd. all of us started to sway~! went back super tired faster bath n sleep tmr got to wake up early summor
♥ Let it Rain.
5:25 PM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
wednesday today had quite a lot of fun at my house. at first choon onn came ask me teach him f7. that day mum ask me to cook for lunch so i decided to eat b4 going to col. ask choon onn to eat too. then my sis told me cy's mum is not going to cook n he is fetching my sis back from college so ask him to join too. half way while i was cooking i din know onn had promised kentt to fetch him around 1 so late liao.. then he decided to call kentt come over n eat too... ended up everybody eating at my house... n i only cook veg. actually its not that i dunno how to cook meat but then the chicken wasnt cut readily for cooking n i dunno how to cut ma.. so no meat lor.. have to go tapao. 1 dish from orange house n another dish tapao near kentt's house haha. evening during our sc meeting we celebrated terence n xiao xiao's bday.. both of them really act like kids took the cream n start smashing among each other.. luckily others din join in if not we will also kena with the face full of cream. thurs A level's result are out! though it doesn't affect me much but most of my friends are taking it. morning wish them good luck. really hope they will get the result they want. as i have promised some of them that i wont ask n will only wait for them to tell =) at nite attend the power point class n after that went halo cafe for dinner. the atmosphere there is super nice. ermm had a surprise for cy too... haha. really hope he can forgive me lar.. hehe. eat n listen to songs till 11 then go home... friday going out again today.. yippee~!! after all the changes from kopitiam to my house then at last decided to play badminton! around 2++ hm n ol came to fetch us to jaya square badminton court b4 that went to fetch dave. played for a while then around 430 josh came n join us. after finishing the game we went mamak. there we were planning for our next gathering.. well we r planning to have a feast at my house when my whole family r leaving for kuantan. 1 whole day to prepare a dinner at my house!! yippee~! cant wait to see those guys cook! hahaha especially dave n josh who r leaving this sept to UK =p
♥ Let it Rain.
9:12 PM
really had fun!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
friday.. thurs nite choon onn called n asked whether wanna play frizbee n since he is willing to fetch me so i went lor.. haha. had quite a good time playing. we reached there 1st then waited for kentt to come only went to the field to play. haha.. at least i learnt something today. then it rained went to the foyer met up with sher huey, suan li, yilian, siuhong n yongwe. waited for the rain to subside n went to play for another round. i was so sorry that i din turn up for sher huey's bday celebration as i was thinking to celebrate it on sat with stella, cheng hou they all coz they were going to LEO'S.. but then on sat things went on not as what i've expected it to be end up din celebrate... haizsat...evening waited for hm to fetch us go kopitiam... so so so late... when we (honming, ong loong, me n chin) reached there josh was about to kill.. haha can see from his eyesight. scary~ as usual we were deciding where to eat. 1st suggestion go ss2 the silly sis say wanna go serdang .. summor got suggestions like kajang... can't really decide where to go. then wait till sukhdave came we chatted for a while late d.. then only say go subang parade want go TGIF.. but then when reached there full house then went chicken rice shop.. full house only went to kenny rogers. haizz... after dinner went summit for bowling and around 11++ went mydin yumcha... then reached home 12 ++ d. n i havent finish my f7!!!! dun care wanna zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsunday.. a horrible day.. even ching yong also bully me.............. wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
♥ Let it Rain.
12:03 PM
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
SAT change my piano class to morning with my sis.... yippee~! so that afternoon can go watch movie with joshur n dave. after lessons n lunch get ready... read my harry potter and wait for joshur to pick us up. off we go to summit to watch die hard 4. althought the movie has been out for quite some time but we have never couldnt find a right time to watch it together thats y drag till now. once reached there faster buy tickets n went shop around.. help my sis do her last min shopping for her gavel club installation nite. bought heels for her n glad that she likes it.. haha we have the same taste! after that oni go for the movie.. while i was watching got so distracted by the ppl sitting behind me.. keep on kicking my chair.. n walk here n there.. haiz. n thank josh for offering the help.. MON OBU whole day after class... having headache!! TUES morning tt helped me check my obu.. thank u o! then went to class. after class went pyramid with kentt n choon onn to shop. my impression towards kentt as a cool guy has change. he really can talk!! erm.. i mean chat.. haha. went back home n continue my OBU.. the sien-est thing in the whole world.. really dunno how to write. WED morning went to col early waited for adelee to come then do a little tutorial n then wait for yean's daddy to come fetch us. then off we go to bukit jalil stadium for the 'guan yin dan' celebration. went there pray pray abit then see them 'fang sheng' then went to have lunch. did something funny n kena luff. hahaha. then went back to col wait for marcus. then yean n adelee went for movie.. not long later chingyong n sis went back... left me alone in col... sien betul!! 10 min after my sis went back received an sms saying today's sc meeting cancel... zha dou!!!
♥ Let it Rain.
9:55 PM