marriot putrajaya pics
Monday, June 30, 2008
this is where i spent 1 of my holiday's weekend!

1. daddy was having dinner with his colleagues so went exploring with sis
2. their swimming pool is very big!
3. me n qi in their jacuzzi.. it has more than 10.. HUGE!!
4.waterfall at the swimming pool
♥ Let it Rain.
6:33 PM
putrajaya marriot
Monday, June 23, 2008
Tatt hoong planned to play badminton at 3K in the afternoon. morning woke up n wash clothes if not mum will complaint everyday go out play n din help out with house work... after that only i ate my breakfast.. ended up me n chingyong were late
after that we went for late lunch at ss14 n went back home
morning continue to watch my series then after lunch me, chin n dad drove down to putrajaya... dad has a meeting with the ministers in putrajaya marriot. since we have nothing to do so follow him there. we stayed there for 2 nights n the scenery was very beautiful. we dun play golf so just stayed at the room watched tv. evening we went to swim their pool is so big n nice with waterfall... they even have a huge jacuzzi. we saw many ang mos sunbathing beside the poolsaturday after sis's piano class mum n others came to join us.. we were ss-ing the whole day n we went serdang for dinner. their cold toufu is so delicious.sundaybefore we came back we went serdang again but diff restaurant.. this time we ordered the dunno wat fish with the bones removed.. chin loved it so much as she never like fish with many bonesMondayearly morning wake up n board a bus to times square reach there 30min before our booking time to neway. there they still serve buffet but with super limited choices and without drinks. both me n joshur 'acted' a little show in front of the receptionist as they were asking for the member's ic which was supposed to be chingyong's n he wasnt there... luckily both of us were convincing enough n they let us pass..we sang till 3pm n headed to sungei wang to find joshur's friend to pass her some things n went hanging around there till around 6. we then board another bus to china town n have our dinner there.. the dinner was fast but the chatting hold us there till 8pm. it was really fun listening to hon ming and joshur to talk bout their lives in melbourne and manchester... really hope to get a chance to study overseas.. if cant please let me have a chance to work there... when we get back.. it was too dark so i get off from the wrong stop. instead of stopping in usj 11 i stopped at usj 5 n ended up walking much further...
♥ Let it Rain.
10:57 PM
after finals
Monday, June 16, 2008
the next day after finals have been booked by librarian friends to go sing k at Neway. fetch sarah after her exams n headed straight there. no more buffet served like last time.. instead they put all the salad n soup into plates n bowls n serve us. it was rather filling though... but the salad was not nice at all.. mayb for those who love onions will like it.
this time we have aik thiam, mong, sarah and yik peng.. of coz got me, my sis n chingyong! haha. Mong still left 2 years to finish his dentistry.. whereas thiam's going to graduate like us.. soon. sarah and yik peng both r waiting for 'results'.. like us just finish their exams.
went 1U with chingyong watched Kung Fu Panda... the show was funny.. haha. then go TGIF for dinner. the menu has changed.. its main course have different choices of food.. n its desert no longer have the big big ice-cream.. i forgot wats that called
after we had ordered our food only realised actually beside us r all auditors... maybe those r ppl working in KPMG.. as their office is just there.. n later we saw sze mun (maybe her twin) join them too
follow dad to carrefour to buy ingredients for doing cornflakes cookies n went to parade to look for sport shoes but couldnt find. reach home chin n i started making the cornflakes cookies... we din around 3 tupperwares n by night the 1st tupperware has finished!! i also did some fried seaweeds with popiah skin after learning from cousins n grandma during CNY. i love it so much n couldnt find it in the market so forced to do it myself! Monday-15/6joshur suddenly msg me ask us out for lunch. 12pm he reached my house then only decide where to eat.. he brought chocolates back from UK... thank u so muchie!!
we went usj 9 ate dim sum.. n he said even our dim sum here is around the same price as those in Manchester when they have promotion.. those are buffet style n it only comes up to about 3 pounds. We chatted loads of stuff.. bout the living expenses in Uk n so on.. hope to find out more from him n sukhdave!! we even planned where to go after honming come back from Melbourne on sunday.
after hours of chatting i continued my taiwan series... 命中注定我爱你 and 美味关系 both r worth watching... especially the former.. i started sobbing after watching the 2nd ep!! whereas the latter ... i guess its about food... thats y its nice.. heeeeeeee
I've planned to go Fuo Guang Shan with chingyong before finals but then we din have time then.. so postpone till now. today we went FGS with chin n siuhong. when we reached there not long we were ask to visit 1 of their shrine.. with the sleeping Buddha in it. n once we stepped in the nun asked us whether we would like to ‘抄经’we sat down n followed wat she said n started copying the sutra. after that our writing was interpreted by the nun
'你很有耐心,也很专心... 可是缺乏了定心... 如果你有了这3 个... 做起事来就比较有效...'
morning i made sushi again with added ingredients.. i put the kimchi aunt bought from Korea n sesame chingyong bought from Japan.
♥ Let it Rain.
8:28 PM
before finals
Thursday, June 12, 2008
2 weeks before finals most of the days went to mpsj library to study. met with hwa loong n victor there n also other acca students who we dunno.. fridaymum say want bring chingyong go eat so we went for japanese dinner together with my popo in sumo... saturday daddy say exam so near d so better go jenjarom FGS pray a bit. while on the way there dad say since we r so near carrie island my as well go there eat seafood.. can bring popo there too.. so before we went 'bai bai' go for seafood. but when we reached there too early d no crabs for us :(on that day itself we also went puchong to have our dinner n shop for my bed!!! n yes i got a new bed! yippee~!!Sundaydunno since when it has become a routine for us to go thean hou gong before exams n results r realeased. so went there 'bai bai'.after that dad brought us to kepong for lunch. i dunno where is the place but when we came out from that place i realised it was very near yean's house... i remember the roundabout with the big big sign..hahaweekdaysgo back to library study again till finalsfinalsnothing to say.. kena gek on last day.. aik thiam purposely called us out asking us whether want go klang eat bak kut teh before lunch.. ppl got no mood to eat larh!! haiz~ MAY THE MARKERS BE WELL N HAPPY ALWAYS ...
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! at last~
♥ Let it Rain.
3:43 PM