comfort in midst of suffering
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
i was down with fever since friday
it all started from dad
then mum
n now us.. me n my sisters...
practically all my family members are feeling not well
however in the midst of suffering
there are still comfort found..
mum n dad took turns to look after us at night
although both of them are not feeling well too
besides that he came to visit me!!
accompany me to watch tv for a few hours..
after his class!! i'm so happy!!
Happy holidays to all !!!!
♥ Let it Rain.
3:18 PM
another gathering
Monday, September 15, 2008
after a few attempts to ask everybody out
n this is it!! the day at last...
where every1 is free~
after fetching meena
wan shin came to our house
n fetch all of us to 1U
chin couldn't stop playing with the soft toys..
reach there met up with cheng hou n cheryl
n decided to watch movie..
there were only a few choices as
most of us have already watched
those on the list..
so in the end.
we chose this

i really have no idea what was that about
until towards the middle part
all in all.. it was ok..
then we had lunch in
Wong Kok Char Chan Teng..
reminds me of Marcus..
when he pronounces the name during his lectures..
really miss attending his class..
well.. most of us here r future accountants
so all of us chose different set lunches
which i think is quite reasonable
it comes out to around RM11
with 1 drink + 1 main course + 1 soup + 1 fruit
while waiting for our food to come..
we only hear stories from Meena...
she is the 1 always talk non-stop
to entertain us!!
the soup..
the food..
reasonable for the price u pay for it...

our drinks..
cheng hou treated us this
some man tou with ham..

table full of food!

i was playing with this on the way back..
let me introduce u to..
Misey Micey!!

n i come across this..
Ling Ling..
haha.. reminds me of siuhong!

both of us were playing with the huge ice cream!!
after a long day..
n being the driver of the day..
we help wan shin to massage
with her KAME!!
♥ Let it Rain.
7:11 PM
leaving for UK gathering
Sunday, September 14, 2008
we had the last gathering with belinda and Joshur
before they left for UK
this time we decided to make a similar gathering
to 3 years earlier where everybody
go a person's house n cook!
a pot luck dinner~!
this time round we only ask along
a handful of people
so only Belinda, Jia Xing, Chin, Joshur n me
the pot luck dinner was held at Joshur's house!
these are our ingredients :
The Arabian version of coke??
the chicken!

chin n I did this
broccoli.. my favorite~!
before we started to cook..
we played a few rounds of mahjong!

the cooking
Joshur tried to make the
'explosion' like he did with
his hostel friends back in UK
but it wasn't successful..
my broccoli~~

n there's also curry chicken..
no pics taken coz the person who brought that
came late n we were starving alreadY!
eating time~~
so unorganized this time
haha.. but it was really fun!!

now with Joshur, Sukhdave, Belinda and Meichia in UK
and Jia Xing leaving next year..
i think our next gathering will b in UK d..
sad.. they dumped me here!!
♥ Let it Rain.
4:25 PM
My Birthday Presents!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
yes.. it's my birthday on the 13th of Septthese are the presents that i have received from him.. n my dear friends!the stars that he has started
folding since July..

together with the stars were those papers
i've separated it to see what was the content
it's indeed touching!!
nothing more to reveal =P

n this~
from peili and yongwe!
it says there..
save loveok.. so i shall save all my love inside
thank you!!
i really love it a lot !!
and not to forget those who send me birthday wishes and called!!Mummy, Ching Yong aka darling, Siu Hong aka ling ling, Cheng Hou, Aik Thiam, Mei Chia aka Apo II, Pei Li, Tatt Hoong, Ong Loong, Meena, Tkj, Adelee, Yean Yean, Stella, Yongwe, Kacy, Yee Phing, Yilian, Jia Xing aka Apo I, Vern Yen, Elaine, Sui Yuan, Wyn Yan, Wan Shin, Joshur, Qi aka smelly egg!!, Jun Yao, Yi Wen, Cheryl
♥ Let it Rain.
3:26 PM
Chingyong's birthday present!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
after seeing
chingyong's blog.. i think some of u might b curious wat did i do for his birthday... actually it wasn't that grand..
a little effort of mine~

the magic bean..
suppose to have the wordings behind the leaf when it grows
i din plant it.. it's his job to do it

tools before working out the present

the papers
sssthe cardboard i even
'handmade' myself
meaning cut it out from a box
the photos..

first piece.. done!!
n the master piece!!!
if u notice there's a new comment link down there..please leave a comment..happy happy me~ all thanks to Daisy... that i have my comment link at last!
♥ Let it Rain.
7:08 PM
more food
Thursday, September 4, 2008
dad wanted to find his cousin before their family is going back to US
we decided to have a quick dinner so went to ss2 wai sek gai
before going to their place

ikan pari..
tom yam mee!!
mum has problem with me always ordering this as my digestive system isn't goodchee cheong funwu tao kao yuk pork-yam rice
leng chee kang
we also ordered jawa mee, char kuey tiao and dunno wat more..
couldn't remember as din take photos..
lastly let me share with u this..

my uncle who went to Taiwan recently bought this back
some Taiwan's specialty.. called 铁蛋
'metal egg' .. direct translation
the taste is exactly like our herbal egg
but its skin.. the black part is hard!!
super hard!!
but i like!!
they say it is actually quails eggs
n have been marinated it for a very long time
so become like that wor..
dunno le... anybody knows?
♥ Let it Rain.
9:54 PM